Sunday, May 18, 2008

Torn ACL

My girlfriend recently tore her ACL which has made intercourse a little difficult for us. Many positions hurt her knee and the positions she most wants to be in are the ones that hurt her the most. Do you know of any fun positions that would keep all pressure off her knee other than straight missionary?

Tough question. We did a little research on positions for people with sore knees...and lots of doctors' blogs (and people in the same situation as your girlfriend) suggest for her to really get acquainted with the angles and positions by herself before adding you to the mix. The range of possible positions varies a lot from person to person. Rather than make one particular recommendation, we suggest you and your girlfriend check out this site together: It has a great index (with animated examples!!) of positions for penetration, but also includes positions for oral sex as well. If you take the time to explore together, the results should be more promising or at least bring on some creativity. Have Fun! (and heal fast!)

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